Seth Earley was a guest on Content Strategist, Larry Swanson's, podcast "Content Strategy Insights." During their conversation they covered many topics including:
- what an ontology is and how to use ontologies to describe a domain of knowledge
- how an ontology can help traverse the knowledge in an organization
- the difference between “is-ness” and “about-ness”
- the importance in ontology practice of starting with concepts that are important to the business
- how an ontology can help content strategy practice
- how these technologies and practices can help understand user intent to deliver the correct content
- the importance of structuring content to avoid TL;DR situations
- how ontologically organized structured content can help deliver personalized content
- the arrival of conversational cognitive assistants
- the role of knowledge practices to power new tools as the workforce changes
- the importance of understanding – and conveying to leadership – the importance of ontology work
Listen to the entire conversation here.