Webinar: Information Governance in the Age of AI



Information Governance in the Age of AI

Many Organizations are struggling with the best way to govern and manage the use of Generative AI in the enterprise.  There are many dimensions to this challenge ranging from ethical issues, data architecture and quality, legal and copywrite, operational and more. 

This is why a governance framework needs to be carefully designed and put into place so the business can make the most use of this truly revolutionary technology, reduce and mitigate risks, control costs, maintain a positive employee and customer experience and most importantly, find competitive advantage in the marketplace.

AI Governance Framework

What is a Governance Framework?

A governance framework consists of decision-making bodies, decision-making, rules/procedures, and mechanisms to ensure compliance with those rules.  It sounds straightforward but is notoriously difficult to operationalize and show value to business stakeholders. 

We at EIS have been champions of data, content, and information governance for decades. While many executives have little interest in governance, Generative AI is propelling to board-level visibility and decision-making.  AI Governance can be considered from multiple perspectives.

Background image with system motherboard concept and question mark

Expand beyond insights

As AI becomes more widely deployed across organizations, designing and implementing a practical and adaptable governance framework is crucial.

We'll delve into AI governance elements and discuss how lessons learned from other technology governance programs can inform AI governance (especially Generative AI governance) today.