Case Study

R&D Knowledge Management Roadmap | Janssen



The multi-national pharmaceuticals branch of the world’s largest and most diverse medical devices and diagnostics company engaged  Earley Information Science to plan an Integrated Digital Platform for Knowledge Management.

Scientific efforts and acquisitions have led to a strong portfolio and products in all stages of development, publications in medical journals, poster presentations, and subsequent intellectual property filings, without a clean and consistent approach to findability and knowledge sharing.

As the client's pharmaceutical subsidiaries have grown through acquisition, a clear gap in the ability to find experts emerged – finding people can occupy between 5% and 50% of a research scientists’ time in a given week.


EIS conducted interviews across the client's research centers in the US and Europe, reviewed systems, portfolio processes, IT practices and candidate content.

We identified the use cases and content critical to research processes, and brainstormed with the KM team to synthesize findings and  program implications.

A Domain Model was drafted to summarize KM search facets, relationships and content sources for key use cases, and a Roadmap detailed with technical approach, actions to close gaps and successfully implement  the KM program.


A fully scoped KM program, plan and technical approach now exists to support accelerated innovation and break down barriers to collaboration across regions, therapeutic areas and competencies.

The client's initial KM release is set to leverage intellectual property across research organizations that are historically bound by therapeutic areas, answer the question “Has somebody solved this problem before?” with the ultimate effect of improving time to market for drugs by reducing the time taken for R&D.

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